A sinkhole was found in Dashan, Chongqing. There were five families living at the bottom of the sinkhole. They lived an idyllic life outside the world


Chongqing is a place with extremely rich tourism resources. There are not only prosperous urban Internet hotspots, but also a large number of 5A scenic spots. It is not only an 8D city, but also the world's hot spring capital. It has Danxia landform, karst landform, mountain canyons, and karst caves. Walking around Chongqing can bring us surprises everywhere.



Recently, Yu Fan and his friends visited Wulong, Chongqing, and found a huge natural sinkhole in Tiefo Village, Baima Town. There is a path from the crater to the bottom of the sinkhole. There are five families living at the bottom of the sinkhole. The surrounding of the house is a cascade of terraces, and the environment inside is like a paradise.



Led by local villagers, we walked slowly into this ancient village along the narrow path beside the pit, and had the honor to talk with several elderly people in the village for a long time. We also had some understanding of this beautiful Tiankeng village, so we share it with you here.



The Tiankeng is called Wankongtuo. As for why it is called, the old people in the village don't know. It has been called since they were born. Only one villager gave his own guess. It may be that the outlet of the cave in the sinkhole is a backwater lump, and there are many holes unique to the geology of Kashgar, so it is called Wankong lump.



Now there are five families living in the Tiankeng. Four of them are surnamed Zhang, and one is surnamed Li. All of them come from the same Zhang family. All of them are cousins and cousins. The mother of the family surnamed Li is also surnamed Zhang. At that time, because there were no brothers, a man surnamed Li came to the Tiankeng to be his son-in-law, and the descendants became surnamed Li.



As for the time when their ancestors came to live in this once isolated sinkhole (before the road was built, they had little contact with the outside world), they did not have a unified view, only said that they used to escape the war. When they first came in, they lived under the rocks on the cliff. Later, they made money to build these houses.



It is understood that the drinking water of the village and livestock comes from the spring water on the mountain. They split the bamboo in half with the most primitive method, introduced the spring water from the mountain into a water tank, and then introduced it into each household with a tap pipe. The spring water is sweet and clear, and can be directly drunk.



The villagers work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day. They are self-sufficient and happy. There is very little sunshine in the Tiankeng. They enter the Tiankeng at noon every day, and there is no sunshine in the early afternoon, so the pace of life is very slow. They also enjoy this kind of life.



After we came to the Tiankeng, an elder brother warmly welcomed us and took us to visit the Tiankeng. He said that there was a stone on the cliff that could sing. If you hit it with a stone, it would make a very beautiful sound. If you hit it rhythmically, you can even play sweet music. In order to prove that what you said is true, you specially climbed up the cliff to knock for us. It's really amazing.



There is a cave entrance in the deep of the Heavenly Pit, which is said to be accessible before. Their ancestors once went into the cave with lanterns and torches and dry food. They walked for three days and three nights without reaching the end. When the White Lotus Sect came to the Heavenly Pit, their ancestors took their precious gold and silver to hide in the cave. Unfortunately, geological changes occurred later, and the rocks above collapsed, which not only blocked the entrance of the cave, but also formed a deep pool, so that they could not get in any more, even the treasure hidden by their ancestors.



After visiting the villages in Tiankeng, several uncles and brothers warmly invited us to sit down and have a rest, so we listened to them tell us many stories about Tiankeng Village. From their words, we learned that Tiankeng was an attractive paradise in the war and chaos era, but it developed rapidly outside in peacetime, but inside it was still the same as decades ago, without even a modern machine and transportation, which was very inconvenient, The young people have all gone out to work, and the promising ones have settled down outside. The girls outside are unwilling to marry in. Now there are three single men in their 40s in five families, which makes people helpless.



If you want to be rich, build roads first! When we asked them about their wishes, they gave a unanimous answer: they hoped to build a road leading to the Tiankeng. They said that when the road was repaired, the grain planted could be sold (even if the grain was planted, it could not be sold, and people would not come in to buy pigs), and everything would be better.



Yu Fan thought that if the road was built here, it would be very popular to open a home stay here. For people who have lived in the city for a long time, this is the yearning poem and the distance, which is very attractive. Moreover, the land here can also be made into a happy farm, which can be subcontracted to those urban people. When they are free, they can come here for two days to pick some pollution-free vegetables from the deep mountains, which can not only be close to nature, They can also experience the fun of labor and let the villagers come here to live a better life. What do you think?

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