The only white country in Africa is very friendly to Chinese tourists and rich in beautiful women without signing!

Africa is the only white country with a large number of beautiful women, and only China is unconditionally visa free. As we all know, there are more than 200 countries and regions on the earth. Most people living in Asia are yellow, while Europe is white and Africa is black. However, Africa has a special country. It is the only white country in Africa, and this country is Morocco.

Morocco is known as the back garden of Africa. Like the world in fairy tales, it is also our summer resort under the scorching sun. If you look carefully, you will find that half is desert and half is ocean. It has not only beautiful scenery, but also many beautiful women. It is a romantic and beautiful country.


The only white country in Africa is very friendly to Chinese tourists and rich in beautiful women without signing!

Morocco has rich tourism resources. Every year, there are countless tourists coming to Morocco. The color of this country is deeply remembered in my mind. The whole country is decorated with various colors and looks very beautiful. However, there are three things that are more famous here. For example, dates, Forrest Gump and cactus. Among them, Forrest Gump has a certain effect of beautifying the skin, which will be called "divine oil" by local people. Many foreign tourists will buy some famous local products before returning home.

However, the bride price in Morocco is not low. If the other party likes you, the girl may thank the man the next day. On the third day, girls need to take seven baths to enter the bridal chamber. However, this custom is also eye opening. So if a wedding is held here, it will cost about 100000 yuan.


Moroccan women are very eager for love. If you marry her, you should treat her wholeheartedly. If you find yourself cheating, they will divorce you. After divorce, they will eat and drink with their good sisters, and even hold activities to wish you to get out of the misery.

Secondly, in Morocco, there is also a suitable climate, so tourists will not feel unusually cold or hot when playing here. However, there is another surprising situation. Although China is now a developing country, its speed of development is obvious to all countries and people in the world. Chinese people can be seen at all stages of development. Now that tourism is becoming more and more popular, many people with a fairly good economic level begin to like to explore abroad.


From this we can see that in Morocco's history of development, there seems to be no black people. That is why Morocco's population is mainly composed of Arabs and Berbers. It is understood that Morocco has a total population of about 36 million, of which more than 75% are Arabs and about 20% are Berbers. In addition, Spanish and French nationals account for about 2 million. No matter what kind of people they are, what we see here are all white people.

Under such multiple factors, Morocco has become a very independent country in Africa. However, it has more European culture than African countries. Because it is close to European countries and has been controlled by European countries for many years in France, it has become an African country with strong European style.


China and Morocco have maintained friendly relations since 1958, but there are also close contacts between the two countries. The two sides have broad consensus and maintain good cooperation in international affairs. It is precisely for this reason that Moroccans have always had a good impression of us Chinese. Now, when we travel to Morocco, we can enjoy visa free treatment upon arrival, which can be said to be a friendly friend of China.

Of course, Morocco can attract a steady stream of Chinese tourists. In addition to the local natural scenery, there are also many beautiful women who can feast your eyes. The most important thing is that they are visa free. We all know that applying for an entry visa takes a lot of time and money. However, Chinese tourists are not willing to accept this kind of trouble, so they prefer to go to tourist attractions that are visa free for China.


The ancient city of Firth has a long history. Morocco is also a relatively famous place, the oldest empire and one of the largest typical medieval cities in the world. It has left many historical and cultural sites: many beautiful palaces and more than 780 mosques of all sizes, known as the "academic capital".

It was also rated as one of the top ten most romantic cities in the world by the famous American magazine Traveler. Walking along the path of the ancient city of Firth with a camera, you can feel the profound sense of history and vicissitudes of life, appreciate the romantic and gorgeous North African customs, and it is also a place of photography that cannot be missed.


Conclusion: In Morocco, you will also see what the legendary paradise looks like, where you will also feel the unfairness of God, and this unfairness will make you deeply love Morocco, so traveling to Morocco will make you miss it for life. Going out can let us see the beauty of the world, while coming in can let us develop ourselves. No matter how sad our life is, don't lose confidence

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