What is the price of Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise (Chongqing to Wuhan)? How many days does it take?

The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, with its magnificent scenery and unique cultural customs, has been a popular tourist destination for people to punch in and out from ancient times. Nowadays, the best way to visit the Three Gorges is to take a luxury cruise. There are also many cruise routes from Chongqing to Yichang and Chongqing to Wuhan. Today, Xiaoxuan will tell you about the routes and prices of the Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise (Chongqing to Wuhan).


Yangtze River Three Gorges Cruise Line – President 6

Friends who have studied the cruise ships in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River will probably find that many cruise ships carry out the Chongqing-Yichang route, and few cruise ships carry out the Chongqing-Han route. At present, the only cruise ship that has opened the Chongqing-Wuhan route is the presidential cruise ship No. 6, a super five-star luxury foreign-related cruise ship under the presidential series, with a tonnage of 17000, which is a veritable 10000 ton giant cruise ship. The cruise ship is low-key and luxurious, and the guest rooms are relatively warm, with independent bathrooms and balconies. You can enjoy the river view at 180 ° without dead angle.


Yangtse Three Gorges cruise ship President 6 Sunshine Deck


Yangtse River Three Gorges Cruise President No. 6 Sunshine Bar

It takes six days and five nights to arrive at Wuhan Port by taking the Yangtze River cruise ship President 6 from Chongqing Chaotianmen Dock. In these six days, you can enjoy the most magnificent canyon scenery of the Yangtze River, go ashore to visit the essence scenic spots of cities along the Yangtze River, feel the cultural customs of different regions, experience the magnificent feat of cruise ships crossing the five level ship lock of the Three Gorges Dam, and climb the famous building in the south of the Yangtze River – Yueyang Tower to see the beauty of Dongting Lake. Compared with the Chongqing-Wuhan route, the Chongqing-Wuhan route has more abundant scenic spots. You can visit the whole line of the Three Gorges, Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge, and have a panoramic view of the magnificent scenery!


Scenery of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

So, how is the detailed schedule of the presidential cruise ship No. 6 from Chongqing to Wuhan? Please keep this itinerary guide!

Day 1: Arrive in Chongqing and go to the Chaotianmen Dock in the downtown to board the boat

Depart from all parts of the country, take high-speed rail or plane to the mountain city of Chongqing, and board the boat at Chaotianmen Wharf in Yuzhong District. The boarding time is from 18:00 to 20:00 in the evening, and there is plenty of time. If you come to Chongqing from other places on the same day, you will not feel in a hurry. Of course, if you haven't been to Chongqing before, you can arrive one or two days in advance. This 8D magic city has too many popular attractions and specialty snacks, which are worth your careful taste.


Day 2: The cruise ship stops at Fengdu and goes ashore to visit the ghost city of Fengdu

Today, the Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise ship President 6 will dock at the Fengdu Pier. We tourists can go ashore to visit the historic cultural capital along the Three Gorges – Fengdu Ghost City. The tickets for the scenic spot and the round-trip transportation are arranged in advance. We can go ashore with the guide directly, which is very convenient. Fengdu Ghost City is a famous historical ancient city with the theme of ghost culture at home and abroad. It is also the prototype of the legendary underworld. It is located in the alpine jungle. When you enter the scenic area, those ghost buildings with unique shapes will instantly fill the mystery and make you excited!


Go ashore to visit Fengdu Ghost City

After visiting the scenic spots on the shore, return to the Yangtze River cruise ship, which provides a rich buffet lunch. In the afternoon, play on the cruise ship. There are plenty of leisure and entertainment facilities, such as gymnasiums, swimming pools, children's parks, chess and card rooms, as well as wonderful cultural performances and cultural lectures on board. You will not feel bored at any moment on board. It is like a bustling city on water, with all kinds of food, drink and entertainment. If you don't like the bustle, you want to enjoy the scenery quietly. You can go to the library to read a book, or you can make a pot of tea on the balcony of the room, watch the river view, and spend the leisure time. The flowing river scenery and the oncoming river wind make people feel relaxed and happy! This is one of the fun of taking a cruise to the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.


Yangtze River Three Gorges Cruise Entertainment Hall

Day 3: The cruise ship stops at Fengjie, travels in Baidi City, crosses Qutang Gorge and Wu Gorge, and crosses Class 5 ship lock

Today is the most wonderful day of the whole Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise tour. On the one hand, you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Qutang Gorge and Wuxia Gorge, and on the other hand, you can experience the cruise ship crossing the fifth class lock. Every minute and every second is worth remembering.

In the morning, after breakfast, you can choose to move freely on the presidential cruise ship 6 and enjoy a leisure moment. You can also choose to go ashore with your guide to visit Baidi City. Since ancient times, the Baidi City has been the favorite place of numerous scholars and scholars. Li Bai's "The White Emperor's Colorful Clouds", Du Fu's "The White Emperor is high in the Three Gorges Town, Qutang is close to the Bailiao Pass", Bai Juyi's "The water smoke at the entrance of Qutang Gorge is low, and the white emperor's city head is facing the west" and so on. These popular poems are all from here. Come to Baidi City and feel its rich cultural atmosphere!


Scenery of Baidi City

After lunch, I came to the top sun deck of the Yangtze River cruise ship President 6 to enjoy the Qutang Gorge, which is known as "Kuimen Heroic in the World". The canyon is deep, the cliffs are steep, and the water flow is fast. This scene is breathtaking.


Kuimen, Qutang Gorge

Later, the presidential cruise ship No.6 will pass through the deep and beautiful Wu Gorge, which is no longer steep, but beautiful and charming. With beautiful mountains and waters, overlapping peaks and mists, it is like a quiet and leisurely woman holding a lute and half covering her face, which makes people more and more fascinated.


Beautiful Wu Gorge

After crossing two sections of the Grand Canyon of the Three Gorges, the presidential cruise ship No.6 stops at the Wushan Wharf, and we can set off to Taka Goddess Creek. This is an original ecological valley that has not been fully developed. You can reach it by cruise ship. The river is winding, the mountains are continuous, the fog is rising and the clouds are surging. It is a kind of feeling to go into the fairyland of the world by boat!


Fairyland Goddess Stream

After visiting Goddess Stream, we returned to the Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise ship again. After dinner, a more shocking experience is coming. The cruise ship will cross the Class V lock of the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, Hubei Province. Feel the drop of more than 100 meters and the height of nearly 40 floors of the cruise ship. Enjoy the shock of this unparalleled project!


Yangtze River cruise ship crossing Class V lock

The fourth day: The cruise ship stops in Yichang to watch the Three Gorges Dam and pass Xiling Gorge

This morning, the Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise ship President 6 took us to Yichang Wharf. You can go ashore to visit the Three Gorges Dam and watch the majesty of the dam at a close distance. The great national project, the most important tool of the country, is the pride of the Chinese people. When you enter it, you will feel national pride.


Three Gorges Dam Scenic Spot

In the afternoon, come to the deck of the cruise ship and enjoy the magnificent scenery of Xiling Gorge, the longest gorge of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River; The scenery in the gorge is bright and beautiful, and the magnificent scenery of mountains and rivers is amazing!


Xiling Gorge Scenery

Later, the Yangtze River cruise ship President 6 passed through the first dam of the Three Gorges, "Gezhouba", which is not as magnificent as the Three Gorges Dam, but also spectacular enough.



Day 5: Visit Yueyang Tower and Bianhe Street

In the morning, he was free to travel on the Yangtze River cruise ship President 6. After lunch, take the bus to Yueyang Tower and Bianhe Street in Yueyang, Hunan. Yueyang Tower is one of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River. You can overlook the magnificent scenery of Dongting Lake by climbing on the Yueyang Tower. Later, you can go to Bianhe Street, a nearby historic street, where there are many local specialties and handicraft shops. Walking on the long flagstone street, I feel quaint, leisurely and quiet.


Yueyang Tower+Dongting Lake

Day 6: Departure from Wuhan Port

Today is the last day of the Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise. We leave after breakfast, so we have plenty of time to return. Moreover, Wuhan's transportation is accessible in all directions. You can return to your warm home by train or plane.

Finally, let's take a look at the cost of one person from Chongqing to Wuhan on the Yangtze River cruise ship President 6? The basic room type of the presidential cruise ship No. 6 is a river-view balcony room, which is a standard room with an independent balcony. The room can accommodate two people by default, about 3500 for one person. The room covers an area of more than 20 square meters. Although it is not large, it is also equipped with all kinds of facilities, including bathroom, balcony, wardrobe, TV, air conditioning, etc. The most eye-catching thing is the balcony. It is a great pleasure to sit here and watch the flowing river scenery every day!


Yangtze River Three Gorges Cruise River View Balcony


Yangtze River Three Gorges Cruise Balcony

In addition, the Yangtze River cruise ship President No. 6 also has executive rooms and luxury suites, with larger room area, higher decoration level and more comprehensive services. Of course, the corresponding ticket price is higher, and the number of luxury suites even reaches tens of thousands. The local tyrants must choose, so we will take a detour, haha!


Yangtze Three Gorges Cruise Suite


Yangtze Three Gorges Cruise Suite Living Room

The information about the Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise from Chongqing to Wuhan is summarized here for you. I hope it can help you. The magnificent and beautiful Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, with its beautiful scenery, makes people linger and forget to return!

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