Nepal has a thousand-year-old temple with 3000 monkeys, known as the paradise of animals


In Nepal, a country dominated by Hinduism and supplemented by Buddhism and Islam, local people pay high respect to animals. They believe that animals are the messengers of God and want to go to heaven after death. Respect them, take the initiative to provide food for animals and build temples for them. Therefore, Nepal is known as the "paradise of animals"!



As an ancient city with a history of more than 1200 years, Kathmandu naturally has many historical monuments and temples, most of which are Hindu temples, but there is a very old Buddhist temple: Swayan Bunat Temple. Because the base of the Buddhist pagoda in the temple is painted with eye patterns on four sides, it is also known as the "Four Eyes Temple of God", which has a very long history and has a history of more than 2000 years, It is one of the oldest Buddhist relics in the world.




This mountain, called Swayanbu Mountain, is located on the outskirts of Kathmandu, and is famous for the Swayanbu Monastery at the top of the mountain. Built in the 3rd century BC, Swayan Bunat Monastery is one of the oldest Buddhist shrines in Asia.



Swayan Bunat Temple is located on a mountain top in the west of Kathmandu. There are many myths and legends about it. It is said that the worship is very effective, and it is loved by local people and foreign tourists.




The mountain is not very high. There are many local Nepalese people selling handicrafts on the mountain. These handicrafts have national characteristics, but the workmanship is relatively rough, the materials are not very good, and the quality is good and the price is cheap. Buy some as hand letters.




There are so many monkeys on this hill. No matter on the steps or in the mountains, monkeys can be seen everywhere, so it is also called "Monkey Temple".



I see that the monks who are turning scriptures in the temple are very similar to those in Tibet, and the overall style of the temple is similar to that of Tibetan Buddhism. It is said that there are still a large number of Tibetan compatriots living here in Nepal.



The main building of Swayan Bunat Monastery is a huge stupa with a conical body and a square base. The four sides of the base are painted with eye patterns, that is, "intelligent eyes", which symbolizes the boundless power of the Buddha's eyes and can penetrate every corner of the world.




The pagoda is composed of a conical 13-layer phase wheel, and its surface is inlaid with copper and gold foil. The top of the tower is a canopy with complex structure. On the canopy stands a gold-plated vase. The crown of the tower is embedded with a huge gem. Around the main tower, there are also some small Buddhist pagodas and prayer drums.


Each of the five floors of the pagoda has profound implications: the round symbol of the first floor of the base is "the earth"; The second floor is square, symbolizing "Qi"; The third layer is a triangle, symbolizing "water"; The fourth layer is umbrella-shaped, symbolizing "fire"; The spiral image of the fifth layer represents "life".




The loveliest thing is that these monkeys live here. They can compete with the "Flower and Fruit Mountain", the flagship store of the Great Sage. It is not only the careful care of the believers, but also the regular feeding of the monks. The monkeys who do not worry about eating and drinking are busy with their nature every day, enjoy the quiet time, and have no time to rob the believers. They go all the way up the mountain. They feel that the monkeys are the real small owners here.



In fact, it is not known when these monkeys started to settle down here. They have multiplied from generation to generation, and have become the "temple keepers" of the ancient temple, just like the "Great Sage of Heaven" that has not yet been standardized. They jump up and down in front of the god Buddha, scratching their ears and cheeks. The little monkeys make a careless appearance, which is really pleasing to tourists, and help them take photos. The monkeys in the monkey temple have endowed the temple with too much spirituality, which makes people's interest in the temple rise sharply!



1. Admission to Monkey Temple: 200 NI

2. Transportation: Monkey Temple route: walk from Tamil via Chhetrapati Square, cross Vishnumati River and go west, about 30 minutes. You can take a taxi to the gate of the scenic spot at the cost of 300 NICs, and then climb 300 steps to the ticket point, that is, the entrance of the Monkey Temple.

3. The monkey temple is also called Swayambhunath. It is located on a hill 2 kilometers west of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Leaning on the fence of the Monkey Temple, you can overlook the whole Kathmandu city. It is the oldest Tibetan Buddhist shrine in Nepal, with a history of more than 2500 years.

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