A different trip to Huangshan on New Year’s Day will open a new chapter in 2023


Huangshan is a scenic spot in four seasons,

Winter snow is the most enchanting.

The most romantic thing this winter,

Is to go to Huangshan with you to see a snow scene


Huangshan Mountain in winter has the most beautiful scenery of the year

Huangshan in winter

It is the moment of the year when the "Five Wonders of Huangshan" can be fully presented

Winter snow is ingeniously combined with pine, stone, cloud and spring

With magnificent sunrise and gorgeous sunset

Crystal ice hanging, glaze glaze, rare Buddha light

Dress up Huangshan as a wonderland on earth


In winter, there are fewer tourists in Huangshan, and they can play deeply

There are relatively few tourists in Huangshan in winter

Tours can be prepared according to needs

Take your time to enjoy the beauty of Mount Huangshan

Integrating photography, sightseeing and fitness

Greatly improve travel efficiency


Three highlights of winter snow in Huangshan


Cloudy and foggy, snowy

After snow, Mount Huangshan is white with white clouds and white snow. It is noble and quiet, like a fairyland. The snow floats on the clouds and meets the sunset day and night. You can feel the magnificence of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland when you see it in person.




The jade tree is crystal clear

Lu Xun's "Snow" wrote that "on the boundless wilderness, under the cold sky, the essence of rain is twinkling and rising." These spirits fall on the branches and sprinkle among the pine forests, layer after layer, as if to erase the colors of three seasons, and return the world as pure as white paper, and then paint a new color in the next spring.



Qionglou Yuyu, Silver World

After a heavy snowfall, Mount Huangshan has become the appearance of the fairyland tower. Pavilions and pavilions, jade trees and Qionghua, and forest birds chirp like fairy music. In a trance, it seems to see the graceful fairy dancing in the depth of cloud light.



Opening Hours of Winter Tour in Huangshan Scenic Spot

During the winter tour of Huangshan Scenic Spot (November 1-March 1), the opening hours, traffic transfer and ropeway opening hours are adjusted as follows:

Opening Hours of Huangshan Scenic Spot


Operation time of transfer vehicles of Transportation Co., Ltd

Up: 7:40 — 16:10; Down: 8:00-17:10.

Operation time of Yungu Cableway, Yuping Cableway and Taiping Cableway


The opening time of the Spring Festival Golden Week will be announced separately

Recommended winter tour routes in Huangshan Scenic Spot

one-day tour

Enter Huangshan South Gate → Yuping Cableway up → Welcome Pine → Hundred Step Ladder → Aoyu Peak → Guangming Peak → Feilai Stone → Danxia Peak → Dawang Pine → Cool Terrace → Lion Peak → Black Tiger Pine → Shixin Peak → Stalagmite → Cloud Valley Cableway down → Exit Huangshan South Gate

Two-day tour

The recommended route for overnight stay at the top of the mountain/Xihai Hotel/Yunren Mountain Resort/Shilin Hotel

On the first day, enter the south gate of Huangshan Mountain → go up the Yungu cableway → stalagmites → Shixin Peak → Black Tiger Pine → Cool Terrace → Lion Peak → Dawang Pine → Danxia Peak → overnight stay at the top of the mountain

The next day, watch the sunrise at Lion Peak or Danxia Peak → return to the hotel after watching the sunrise for breakfast → Feilai Stone → Guangming Peak → Aoyu Peak → 100-step ladder → Welcome Pine → Yuping Cableway down → Huangshan South Gate out


Recommended route for overnight stay at Baiyun Hotel on the top of the mountain

On the first day, enter the south gate of Huangshan Mountain → go up the Yuping Cableway → welcome pine → step ladder → Aoyu Peak → Guangming Peak → Feilai Stone → overnight stay at the top of the mountain

The next day, watch the sunrise at Guangming Peak → go back to the hotel after watching the sunrise for breakfast → Cloud Pavilion → Danxia Peak → Dawang Pine → Cool Terrace → Lion Peak → Black Tiger Pine → Shixin Peak → Asparagus → Cloud Valley Cableway down → Huangshan South Gate out


Recommended route for overnight stay at Yupinglou Hotel on the top of the mountain

On the first day, enter the south gate of Huangshan Mountain → go up the Yungu cableway → stalagmites → Shixin Peak → Black Tiger Pine → Big King Pine → Flying Stone → Bright Top → Aoyu Peak → Hundred Step Ladder → overnight stay at the top of the mountain

The next day, watch the sunrise at Welcome Pine → return to the hotel after watching the sunrise for breakfast → view Tiandu Peak and Lianhua Peak from a distance → go down the Yuping Cableway → go out of the south gate of Huangshan Mountain


What are the precautions for coming to Huangshan on New Year's Day holiday?

Temperature: In winter, you should wear light and warm down jacket in Huangshan. Scarves, gloves and travel shoes are all necessary equipment. The supply of food and drinking water on the mountain is very convenient.

Keep warm: In the selection of equipment, you must do your homework well. The most important thing about shoes is impermeability, breathability and portability; It is better to bring an extra set of warm clothes and pants. All hotels in Huangshan Scenic Area have complete heating equipment. The standard rooms, single rooms and suites of the hotel provide down jackets for tourists, and the accommodation guests can wear them for free during the tour.

Snow period: generally from the end of November to the beginning of December, there will be first snow. The average annual snow cover in Huangshan is about 50 days. At present, there have been several snowfalls in Huangshan.

Safety: In case of snow, vehicles in the scenic area will be equipped with anti-skid chains, and the sanitation workers in the scenic area will clean the snow on the path in time. There is ice and snow on the steps after the snow. It is recommended to take spiked shoes up the mountain, and tourists with poor physical strength can take climbing sticks. There are anti-slip nail shoe covers for sale in the store (dozens of yuan per pair). For the sake of travel safety, it is recommended not to climb Huangshan at night, plan the time, go back to the accommodation before dark, and prepare a flashlight in case. Huangshan Mountain does not have snow every day in winter. Generally, there is a high probability of snow when the cold wave comes. Please pay attention to the weather forecast of Huangshan Mountain Scenic Spot.

Best: There are many places to enjoy the snow in Huangshan Scenic Spot. The best places are Beihai, Xihai, Tianhai, Yuping and other scenic spots.

Epidemic prevention: please call the customer service hotline 0559-2590999 of Huangshan tourism official platform.


Take this strategy and come to Huangshan for a wonderful New Year holiday!

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