Intangible cultural heritage on the tip of the tongue! Tianshui’s “eight bowls” make you drool

In the northwest, Tianshui is one of the topics that tourists cannot avoid.

Tianshui has not only visible scenery and touching customs, but also folk "intangible cultural heritage", cultural stories and "fireworks" on the tongue.

Four seasons rotate. When you walk in the streets of Tianshui, if the beautiful scenery raises your eyes, then let the delicious food touch your stomach.

In the world of fireworks, the flavor will last forever.

Speaking of Tianshui cuisine, we can't get around the "eight bowls" of Tianshui, which is one of the main representatives of local traditional delicacies. It not only carries the traditional flavor in the memory of Tianshui people, but also inherits the local intangible cultural heritage.


"Eight bowls" of food

Intangible cultural heritage! The "Eight Bowls" that have been handed down to this day

Five thousand years up and down, three different winds, ten different customs.

Tianshui has a long history and profound cultural accumulation. It is a national historical and cultural city.

It is said that during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, due to the development of "Manchu and Han banquet" in the catering industry, it was divided into "upper eight treasures", "middle eight treasures" and "lower eight treasures", of which the eight bowls were included as "lower eight treasures". Because of the different ingredients of the eight bowls, the dishes are also different.


Manchu and Han

The Tianshui people who attach importance to the food culture have formed the "eight bowls" of Tianshui after careful preparation: a bowl of tenderloin, a bowl of braised pork, a bowl of crispy meat, a bowl of braised chicken, a bowl of chowder, a bowl of tofu, a bowl of noodles, and a bowl of sweet rice with eight treasures.

In the memory of many Tianshui people, the "Eight Bowls" have the most traditional flavor, are the favorite dishes of Tianshui people, and are also the "favorite" at various banquets.

Especially in Tianshui rural areas, whether it is the New Year's holiday or the red and white events, people pay attention to eating "banquet", and the custom of using "eight bowls" cuisine to treat guests has also been handed down to this day.

Today, the eight bowls are no longer the delicacies that can be eaten at wedding banquets and Chinese New Year's festivals. Walking in the streets of Tianshui, you can find the restaurant opened by the inheritor of the "Eight Bowls", which is very authentic and popular with local people and tourists.


Tianshui "Eight Bowls" Hotel opened by the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage

Skill! "Eight bowls" meticulously made

As an intangible cultural heritage, Tianshui's "eight bowls" have a long history and far-reaching influence. They are one of the most representative local dishes in Tianshui, and are also the wisdom crystallization of Tianshui's chefs of all ages.

The essence of a genuine food is the selection of ingredients, the beauty of seasoning, and the soul of craft.

Compared with other foods, the authentic Tianshui "Eight Bowls" not only have excellent materials, but also are quite exquisite in workmanship. They mostly use stewing, boiling, stewing, frying, burning, steaming and other cooking methods.


Fried tenderloin

"Eight bowls" are eight kinds of steamed dishes in a bowl, which are composed of four meat dishes and four vegetables respectively. They emphasize thick ingredients, heavy taste and pure soup.

The four ingredients in the "eight bowls" are noodles, tofu, radish, rice and other ingredients. The dishes made are light and delicious for all ages. Big meat is the main ingredient of the four meat dishes. The four bowls of meat are selected from the front arm meat, the middle rib meat, the rear hip meat and the elbow meat. The four bowls of meat use different meat ingredients. Each bowl of meat has its own name, namely, the elbow meat, the crispy meat, the button meat and the square meat.

After selecting the meat, put it in a big pot and cook it. After cooking, spread a layer of honey on the skin of the meat while it is hot, and then put it in an oil pan to fry until the skin turns yellow and red. After the meat is cooled, cut it into pieces according to the requirements of the four meat bowls and steam it in a bowl. The dishes made in this way taste fat but not greasy, and the meat is delicious.


"Eight bowls" series dishes

In Tianshui, the "eight bowls" are worthy of the "shoulder handle" of the local food series, and the "absolutely unique" on the tongue! The meat and vegetables are evenly matched, the meat dishes are not oily, the vegetables are not light, the taste is delicious, and the aftertaste is endless after swallowing.

An authentic "eight bowls" of Tianshui, once tasted, has become a yearning of tourists and tourists.

Aftertaste! The attractive "eight bowls"

In winter, when we talk about the "eight bowls" of Tianshui, we can't help thinking of the taste of New Year.

When I was young, the old people often said that the New Year would be boring if there were no two steamed bowls and buckled bowls.

Now, although people's lives are getting better and better, what they eat is not "eight bowls", but a kind of nostalgia and nostalgia.

Travelers who are away from home will find the flavor of childhood in the "steam bowl" when they return home.


Sour and spicy tenderloin

A bowl of tenderloin – Sour and spicy tenderloin is one of the "responsibilities" in Tianshui's "eight bowls". It is mainly cut into small pieces with fine tenderloin, mixed with flour and egg white, and then fried three times with oil, then mixed with agaric, magnolia chips, red and green peppers, etc. After careful cooking, poured with high soup, the color is clear, the smell is pungent, picked up a piece and put into your mouth, crisp and delicious, unique flavor, full of fragrance.


braised pork in brown sauce

A bowl of braised pork – braised pork is made of lean and fat pork with special cooking skills and cooked in a special old casserole. The meat is just fat and thin, sweet and soft, and melts in the mouth. This dish is available everywhere, but its taste is different due to different methods and condiments.


Soft and tender crisp meat

A bowl of crispy meat – what I'm talking about here is not the fried crispy meat in the hot pot shop now, but the Tianshui crispy meat that has been handed down for a hundred years. It uses pork, mainly the medium rib, and uses the traditional cooking and steaming method. It is soft and tender, and it is sprinkled with scallions, coriander, etc. when it comes out of the pot, with full color, flavor and taste.


Delicious braised chicken

A bowl of yellow braised chicken, a traditional famous dish in Tianshui, is mainly made of chicken leg meat, which is prepared in three steps: washing the blood, braising and boiling, and using casserole to collect juice. It has the characteristics of delicious taste and tender meat.


Non-greasy chowder

A bowl of chowder – Tianshui chowder has a very long history and culture. It is a special dish. Its production process is very exquisite. First, mix the egg white and yolk evenly and spread them into pancakes; Next, chop the fresh pork, add salt, flour and pepper, mix well, add them in the middle of two layers of thin egg cake, press them flat, steam them in the cage, cut them into strips, and make them into sandwich meat. The most important thing is to use sandwich meat with meatballs. According to your personal preference, pour chicken soup, sprinkle with scallions, coriander or agaric, and put it into the soup basin. The soup is abundant, and the meat and vegetables are mixed. It is eaten while drinking. It is not greasy, and tastes delicious. It is an essential dish on the table.


Noodles with home-cooked vegetables

A bowl of noodles – this is a home-cooked dish, but it plays a very important role in Tianshui people's hearts, especially when it is eaten with Tianshui people's steamed buns, which is a "full blessing".



Fresh and tender tofu

A bowl of tofu – Tianshui tofu looks as white and tender as fat, and has toughness; It tastes fresh and tender, soft and hard, suitable for stewing and stir-frying; It is the most suitable food for stewing. It is a healthy food for all ages.



Eight Delicacies Rice

A bowl of Babao sweet rice – Babao sweet rice is a traditional famous dish in Gansu, also known as "Babao rice". It is made from eight different raw materials, which means "reunion" and "happiness".

One city seeks one flavor, one dish one soul.

With simple ingredients and exquisite craftsmanship, Tianshui's "eight bowls" have become famous dishes, intangible cultural heritage on the tongue and homesickness in the minds of tourists.



Tianshui "Eight Bowls" gift box

With the development of society, in recent years, in order to make the authentic Tianshui "Eight Bowls" available to tourists and relatives and friends in other places, the inheritors of Tianshui "Eight Bowls" have constantly studied the materials, improved the operation, and added online "order" mail service, so that the "Eight Bowls" of Tianshui can spread across the country with the flavor of their hometown.

Tianshui's "eight bowls" are not only a delicacy, but also a culture and inheritance!

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