Make a bet! How about Xinjiang? 1.66 million square kilometers tell you an answer

The beauty of Xinjiang is the possibility of 1.66 million square kilometers "

I don't know how vast China is.

In this 1.66 million square kilometers of land, there are too many possibilities. You will never know how beautiful Xinjiang is until you come in person. Today, I will take you to enjoy the "Ice Flower and Snow Moon" in Xinjiang.



You have seen the blooming mountain flowers in Kanas in spring,

I have seen cattle and sheep everywhere in summer,

I have seen all the trees in autumn,


Do you know the winter in Kanas?


Kanas in winter has faded the charm of autumn

Quiet as a virgin, mountains covered with snow

Any color is amazing

In the awakening of Kanas Lake

Slowly poke away the world of smoke

In the world of snow

Feel the tranquility quietly


The snow here has the hardness of the northern snowfield

It also has the poetic flavor of southern snow bridge and flowing water

The vast snowfield and ancient wooden house

Reveal the unique charm of Kanas


The snow in the distant wooden house

Layer upon layer like cream

Decorated on the white drawing board

Like the impressionistic splash-ink Chinese painting


In this clear and peaceful winter day

Look up at the stars

Follow a camera

Is the most beautiful picture


Hemu is an idyllic village. Many people come to admire its autumn scenery, but they don't know that the winter scenery of Hemu is also a beautiful scenery.


Standing on the observation platform at the head of Hemu Village and looking at the wooden house under the snow, it seems that the village only exists in the fairy tale is now really displayed in front of you. Here, I encounter a fairy tale in the ice and snow.

In the winter morning, the curl of cooking smoke rises, and the surrounding morning fog adorns the village like a fairyland in the human world, making visitors feel the peace and tranquility that can never be felt in urban life.


Urho in China

The Devil City of the World

It's amazing to meet you in winter

The thrill of meeting the next season


Under the long-term influence of nature, Urho Devil City forms dense and well-arranged sandstone strange forms

From a distance, it looks like a castle standing in the vast desert of the Gobi. It is amazing that it is spectacular and majestic. It is also amazing that the Devil City under the snow in winter is less depressed than the past and more quiet.


In winter, "the last drop of tears in the Atlantic Ocean", the Selimu Lake is covered in silver, and the snow flows and condenses. The lush pines and white snow are combined to form a magnificent view of the forest and snow fields in the North. It is like being enchanted here. Everything is still. When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, everything will slowly wake up. Snow mountains in the distance, icebergs in the vicinity, blue sky in the distance and "blue water" in the vicinity seem to be the paintings of an outstanding painter.


The most commendable thing about Salim Lake is the blue ice in winter. The ice bubble wonders. There are bubbles containing air floating under the frozen lake surface. Therefore, Salim Lake is also known as the ice bubble lake.

What is the cause of blue ice?

In the cold winter, the frozen ice becomes more and more dense and hard, squeezing out the internal air, and the pores in the ice continue to shrink and disappear, slowly becoming crystal clear.


At this time, the red and orange light with long wavelength and strong diffraction ability can penetrate the ice layer, while the blue light with short wavelength is scattered by the dense and thick ice layer. The ice then shows a crystal blue, which is the same reason why the sky (atmospheric scattering) and the sea (water scattering) are blue.


Sailimu Lake in winter has become a world of ice and snow. Although it is quiet and cold, it is also full of life.


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