To go to Lhasa, you must go to 10 scenic spots. How many have you been to?

The Potala Palace is the most prominent and representative one in Lhasa. It stands majestically in everyone's heart. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Tibetan working people and the proof of the unity and cooperation between the Tibetan and Han people.


When you enter the Potala Palace, there are countless treasures, Buddha statues, endless murals, scriptures, ancient books, and Thangkas in the deep corridor. It seems that Tibet's thousand-year history is concentrated here. When you put your hands on the wall, the connection is a 1000 year span. At that moment, it was a sigh of time.


The Red Palace is mainly the Dalai Lama's Lingta Hall and various Buddhist halls. The White House is the Dalai Lama's Winter Palace and the place for major religious activities. At present, only the Red Palace can be visited.

The Jokhang Temple is a Tibetan Buddhist temple built by the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo. The reason why Lhasa has the reputation of "Holy Land" is related to this temple. The Jokhang Temple has integrated the architectural styles of Tibet, Tang, Nepal and India, and has become an ancient model of Tibetan religious architecture. Incense is filled in front of the temple all day long. The believers worship piously on the bluestone floor in front of the door, leaving a deep impression of equivalent kowtow.


The temple worships the only gold statue of Buddha Buddha that has been opened by Sakyamuni himself. For Buddhists, seeing this Buddha is like seeing the Buddha's real body. This is the only and supreme authentic work among the thousands of Buddha statues, making the Jokhang Temple a holy place where you can't kowtow more than 100000 heads. The place in front of the main gate is the place where believers who come all the way to Lhasa to worship kowtow.


Zhebeng Temple is the largest temple in Tibetan Buddhism and one of the three major monasteries of Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It is of great scale, with white buildings occupying the whole hillside.


The most bustling time of the Drepung Monastery is the Sheraton Festival every year. On this day, a grand sunning ceremony will be held. On the huge sunning platform on the hillside, a giant Thangka of Buddha will be displayed, about 30 meters long and wide, covering the hillside. The scene is extremely spectacular. Attract large numbers of believers and tourists to pray for blessings.


The Sala Temple is one of the six main monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. The whole Sala Temple is located on the Salawuzi Mountain. The buildings are very dense, but orderly. When you enter the Sala Temple, incense is wreathed, and monks chant sutras and worship Buddha. This temple was built in the 7th century AD during the reign of the Tibetan king Songzanganpo, and has a history of more than 1000 years.


There are a large number of precious Thangkas, scriptures and Buddha statues in Sera Temple. The most famous statue of King Vajra of Matou Mingwang is in the temple. There are many statues of Vajra Buddha and murals, which are worth seeing. Every afternoon there is a "Sutra Debate", which is very distinctive. There are more monks and more people to watch. That's a spectacle.


Bakuo Street has a history of more than 1300 years. It is a Buddhist scripture turning road around the Jokhang Temple, which is called the Holy Road by Tibetans. This is the epitome of the ancient city of Lhasa. There are thousands of flames hidden in it. If you come to Lhasa for the first time, you can still feel the real power of faith in Baguo Street.


All devout believers walked on the road and turned their prayer tubes. Along the way, there were people kowtowing their heads and praying in the direction of Jokhang Temple. Baguo Street is extremely commercialized, but it is also popular with young people. Here you can find most online celebrity shops in Lhasa, as well as travel photos that every girl likes.


Known as the "Summer Palace in Lhasa", Loblinka was once a royal garden. It was built by the 7th Dalai Lama. As the summer palace of the Dalai Lamas of the past dynasties, the garden design here is very Tibetan style, and at the same time integrates the landscape design techniques of the mainland.


There are many plants and flowers on the plateau, as well as exotic flowers and plants from the Himalayas, which are very consistent with the meaning of its name "treasure garden". After more than 200 years of expansion, it has become a must-see scenic spot in Lhasa.


Almost all people who go to Lhasa will take photos in the Potala Palace Square, and many people come to Lhasa because of the pattern on the 50 yuan. The pattern of Potala Palace originates from the viewing platform of Yaowang Mountain. Every morning, there are always many photography enthusiasts waiting to take pictures of Potala Palace under the first ray of sunshine.


Zongjiao Lukang is an urban park on the back of the Potala Palace, where the reflection of the Potala Palace can be taken on the lake. This is the most lively park in Lhasa and an important place for local people to enjoy leisure and entertainment.


The park is full of people, and everyone gathered to dance Tibetan square dance. Passers-by can join at any time, singing and dancing together, and the atmosphere is wonderful.


Located 500 meters to the north of the Jokhang Temple, the Xiaozhao Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty and completed at the same time as the Jokhang Temple. When Princess Wencheng and Songzan Gambo married and left Chang'an for Tibet, Princess Wencheng missed her hometown. Songzan Gambo combined the temple structure of the Han Dynasty to build Xiaozhao Temple for Princess Wencheng.


Xiaozhao Temple not only integrates the characteristics of the Han-Tibetan style of architecture, but also its original administrator is the Han monk, which is a symbol of the unity of the Han and Tibetan nationalities and has a very important historical position in the Sino-Tibetan relationship.


Located in the northwest corner of Lhasa, Lalu Wetland Nature Reserve is one of the highest elevation and largest urban wetlands in the world. A large number of migratory birds inhabit here, which is called "lung of Lhasa". The Potala Palace, set off by the distant mountains, is impartial, reflected on the lake or hidden in the reed marshes.


In addition, there are also Zhaji Temple, a prosperous temple for seeking wealth, and Gandan Temple, a small temple built near the mountain. Within a hundred miles, you can take a bus to Yangbajing, Yangzhuoyongcuo and other natural scenic spots, as well as the closed Namco. There are many scenic spots worth visiting in Lhasa.

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