Countries that don’t ban color and can’t help guns are disgusted with these three things, but they are very common in China!

Speaking of Thailand, I may be impressed that Thailand is a very magical country, because many national taboos have become a normal phenomenon here, and the human monster is also a major feature of Thailand, which has attracted many people's attention. To some extent, Thailand is a very developed country, which has developed very well in tourism. But what is more surprising in management is that guns and pornography are not prohibited.


Countries that don't ban color and can't help guns are disgusted with these three things, but they are very common in China!

Although we cannot agree with various laws of Thailand, there are also some local taboos. For example, this country stipulates that the three most common things cannot occur, which is very incomprehensible to Chinese tourists.

The first is drinking. If someone has been to Thailand before, they will find that local people are basically not allowed to touch Baijiu, but beer and red wine can still be seen in bars. As for the reason, it is mainly because people are afraid of doing bad things when drunk. In serious cases, it may also attract the police, so don't try to find Thai people to drink Baijiu.


The second is smoking. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. If you are too obsessed with it, it may even lead to lung disease, so the local people reject it very much. However, this does not mean that local people will not sell cigarettes, but some manufacturers will print some pictures like horror and nausea on them, so that people have no desire to buy at a glance, and then consider their own health problems, and do not touch cigarettes.

Finally, gambling is prohibited. Nowadays, the people of our country have made a lot of progress in economy, and many people go abroad, but there will be some gamblers. In fact, playing cards and mahjong is also a kind of gambling. I saw a casino in Thailand. If you want to go in and play, you should be careful to be arrested for the crime of gambling. The same is true for playing mahjong. So if people want to play in Thailand, they should not want to play these games.


Thailand's tourism industry can be said to be quite developed and can be said to be the "pillar" industry of Thailand. Thailand has more scenic spots than other countries. According to rough statistics, there are more than 500 scenic spots in Thailand alone. In addition, it has to be said that Thailand has unique scenic spots and unique scenery. It is not too much to say that it is a country with "unique tourism culture".

Thailand's world-famous "human demon show", all tourists here will basically go to see this entertainment. In addition, the beauty of Thailand's "human monster" is beyond people's imagination. Although they are all "men", they are also "enchanting", even surpassing many beautiful women, which has become one of the most attractive "features" of Thailand's tourism industry, and many people will come here to see the siren performance.


1、 Thailand's Buddhism is also quite famous. Here I recommend several places to you.

1. Jade Buddha Temple

This temple is in a royal palace. Although it is not the only temple in the palace, the Jade Buddha Temple is the largest and most prominent one. The statues of Buddha and gods here are relatively large, especially the important emerald Buddha, which is of great significance to all Thais. And the statue here is the symbol of the king of Thailand and the respect of the local people for the king.


2. Golden Buddha Temple

The Golden Buddha Temple is located in the Chinatown area of Bangkok. There is the largest Buddha statue in the world, but the buildings here are also very attractive to tourists, with beautiful and luxurious style. The Golden Buddha Temple also retains the familiar yellow roof of Thai temples, which is like a huge palace, which makes tourists marvel.

3. Weimanmei Palace

This is also the palace of the Thai royal family. Unlike the image of the Grand Palace complex, it has the image of modern western style. The main building is made of wood, with three floors. It still has the uniqueness of Thai culture. Although it was built in 1901, it is still the largest wooden structure building in the world. Not only that, the quiet green space here always attracts countless tourists.


2、 Famous tourist attractions in Thailand

1. Phuket:

Phuket Island is located in the southwest of Bangkok, with a distance of about 800 kilometers. It is famous for its beautiful beaches and numerous islands. The famous tourist attractions of Phuket Island include Phuket Town, the pure and beautiful Emperor Island (named after the emperor's holiday here), Honeymoon Island, Padang Beach, Padang Night Market, etc; There are also many tourist attractions here, such as jungle jumping and rope skiing. Phuket is a popular tourist destination.

2. Samui Island:

Compared with the previous islands, Samui Island is unique. There are coconut trees and many charming beaches, such as Lamai Beach, known as the honeymoon beach, and the bustling Chaven Beach. In the south of Lamai Beach, there are also natural "Xinda Beacon Stone". Many people will punch in.


Conclusion: Thailand is a tropical city, and it will not feel cold here, but the temperature difference between morning and evening will be greater. If you go to Thailand, you must bring a coat, you can wear a vest in the daytime, and you need to add a coat at night. But after all, the country here is different, and friends who have the opportunity to play must first understand what the local customs are, In this way, you will not step on the "forbidden zone" of other countries.

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