The unsolved mystery on Mount Hua? No one has cracked it yet!

As one of the five mountain peaks, Huashan has also received a wave of high popularity after the opening of tourism. After all, many people think that it is impossible to fully appreciate the beautiful scenery of Huashan. If you can fully appreciate the scenery at one time, Huashan will not spread among many mountain climbers for so many years.

The beauty of Mount Hua lies in that no matter what season we go to, we can see the most beautiful and beautiful scenery. Standing on the top of Mount Hua, we can see the white snow in winter, and the lush forest in summer. These are very unique experiences. The scenery is particularly beautiful, and it is not unique.


1、 It is very difficult to climb Mount Hua, and the road is very rugged.

Of course, as one of the peaks in China, Huashan Mountain also contains some dangers under the beautiful scenery. Some climbing enthusiasts have challenged the peaks of Huashan Mountain. They do not plan to climb the stairs, but choose to climb from the cliffs. However, there are not too many weeds on the surface of such a steep mountain as Huashan, but bare rocks. It is very difficult to climb. Many climbers have failed in this challenge.


2、 The statue of Xianweng Cave has a history of hundreds of years.

In fact, there is a mysterious cave hidden in the steep part of Huashan Mountain. Most tourists can't notice this cave. It is difficult to find it when walking the stairs. This cave, called Xianweng Cave, is a cave that existed before Huashan Mountain was developed into a tourist attraction. There is also a statue of Taiyi.

According to the estimation of archaeologists, this statue has existed for hundreds of years. As for the mysterious cave and the statue that has existed for so long, some people boldly speculate that it was carried by the magic of "immortal".


3、 The statue was moved up by people. It was made from local materials without any trace.

First of all, the first mystery about Mount Hua is the mysterious statue, which is very large. According to the estimation of archaeologists, this statue must have been put into the cave by manual transportation, because if we use local materials in the cave, it would not be possible to create such a beautiful stone sculpture.

So how did ancient people move this huge statue up? To use ropes and other means, it must require a lot of manpower and material resources, but it is not found in the historical records.

4、 The unsolved mystery is that the water in Taiyi Lake will always maintain the same level.

The second unsolved mystery about Huashan is that there is a Taiyi pool in this mysterious cave, and the water in this pool can keep the same level.

Because this pool is on the edge of the cave, it is easy to let the water in the pool spread out or dry up in case of wind, rain and sunny weather, but this has never happened. And just like what is at the bottom of the pool, the water in the pool always keeps the same level in whatever weather, and is clear to the bottom.


5、 There is a watch rising platform on Mount Hua. Swallows in Mount Hua carry away the ashes.

The third mysterious mystery about Mount Hua is the watch tower on the top of Mount Hua. This place is used to worship God, and it is also a place where ancient Chinese emperors especially liked to make rituals. They would burn paper money here to pray for God's blessing.

The sacrificial details of ancient Chinese emperors are not verifiable at present, but now when paper money is burned on the top of Huashan Mountain, the burned paper scraps will not float with the wind, because there will be some swallows on the top of Huashan Mountain to take away all the ashes, which seems very special. After all, these ashes can not be used, nor can they be used to make nests. Why should these swallows take away these paper scraps?


6、 The Quanzhen Cliff of Mount Hua has the name of calligraphy. Strong and vigorous.

The fourth unsolved mystery about Mount Hua is that there is a Quanzhen Cliff on Mount Hua, which is also the steepest cliff in Mount Hua. On the edge of the cliff, there are three vigorous and powerful big characters. How can such calligraphy be carved? After all, on such a steep cliff, it is necessary to lay a platform to chisel out these calligraphic fonts with an awl. But no one knows which magic craftsman made this artwork.

Huashan is a particularly popular tourist attraction in China. It has the most beautiful scenery, but there are also many unsolved mysteries. But it is this mysterious beauty that attracts many tourists. Many people come to Huashan to talk about these unsolved mysteries, hoping to solve them one day.



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