Fengmen Village, one of the top 10 forbidden areas in the world

Fengmen Village is the main theme of many horror films. There is also a special film and television work with the theme of Fengmen Village, which is also known as "the first ghost village in China". Many rumors have said that as long as you go to Fengmen Village, you will have a fever, or you will encounter a ghost in Fengmen Village, and the power signal will also be interrupted. However, Fengmen Village itself is not called Fengmen Village, but "Fengmen Village". It is only called "Fengmen Village" because of its great reputation for terror and film and television


During the war, Fengmen Village was a paradise to avoid disasters. It was surrounded by mountains and the valley was easy to defend and difficult to attack, while the village was connected by water. Even if it was besieged outside, the village could withstand for a while. But in peacetime, the advantages of Fengmen Village have all turned into disadvantages. First of all, it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, which leads to traffic congestion and inconvenient travel, medical treatment and school. Even now, if you want to reach Fengmen Village, you have to walk for 2-3 hours from the nearest road to get there, and there are many large stones along the way that cannot be called "roads".


Before Fengmen Village, it was still unknown. During the period from 2002 to 2007, things became more and more popular. Many netizens also went to Fengmen Village to explore. The most coincidental thing is that after they went to Fengmen Village, they all met with supernatural events. For example, when seven or eight people passed through Fengmen Village, all the team members lost their things, even their backpacks. Another 20 or 30 teams went to camp, and a female captain suddenly lost her mind.


There are many supernatural events in Fengmen Village. It is said that the most important thing is that there is a Grand Priest chair in Fengmen Village, and all the objects in the whole village are covered with dust. Only this chair is spotless. It is said that sitting on this chair will bring bad luck.


It is said that there are two coffins in a house in Erfengmen Village, but one day, the coffins suddenly disappeared.


Secondly, around February 2021, after seeing the news of Fengmen Village on the Internet, Xue became interested in Fengmen Village. In order to attract fans, he decided to break into Fengmen Village at night and broadcast the night adventure. Unexpectedly, after entering Fengmen Village, the netizen couldn't get out and was trapped around the village.


The communication has attracted the attention of TV stations around the country and conducted a field visit to Fengmen Village, but it was finally confirmed that none of those supernatural events existed. The reason why Xuemou was trapped was that he was not a local, but a native of Anhui. He was not familiar with the terrain and landforms when he came here after listening to the information on the Internet. In addition, the sky was dark and the visibility was not high, resulting in being lost and trapped in the mountains. Secondly, the terrain of Fengmen Village is very complex. The mountain ranges are both north-south and east-west. In the absence of reference objects, it is easy to lose the sense of direction, thus leading to lost. In desperation, the netizen had to call the police for help. During the rescue, the police had to go to the rescue on foot because the mountain road was very rugged and there was no road for vehicles from the road to Fengmen Village.


Fengmen Village is actually an ordinary mountain village. Why does it have the title of "China's first ghost village"? In fact, all this is true. In the past, Fengmen Village was also a thriving small mountain village. This can be seen from the buildings in Fengmen Village. There are many buildings here, and many old buildings remain. From the perspective of geographical conditions, Fengmen Village is actually a "paradise". It has water resources, arable land, and is surrounded by mountains on all sides. The roads are narrow. It is difficult for outsiders to enter. In the war years, people here can "escape from the world".


The mystery of the Grand Priest Chair in Fengmen Village: The Grand Priest Chair was "unlucky" only when she met with a donkey friend who came to explore. The position of the Grand Priest Chair is in the middle of the house, which makes people think about it. But in fact, it may be that the old man likes to sit in this position and watch the people in the street come and go, or it may be because he accidentally moved it to this position when moving. It is no surprise.

In the eyes of the donkey friends, the grandmaster chair cannot be seated, otherwise it will bring bad luck. However, the more people are not allowed to do, the more curious people are. Many people who come to "explore" often like to sit on this chair, and even collapse it. And because so many people came to sit in this chair, it was very clean and incompatible with the dusty environment around it. This has triggered the imagination of netizens that this chair is so clean because it has "something" to sit on.


The coffins hidden in the house disappear: although Fengmen Village is a barren village, the older generation still pays attention to "returning to the roots". When the old man dies, their remains will be buried here, so it is not uncommon to prepare the coffins in advance. Later, if the coffin disappeared, the old man might have died.

The disappearance of Fengmen Village is actually like Yongquan Village in "Mountain and Sea". Because of the inconvenience of transportation and lack of resources, villagers are trapped in extreme poverty. If they want to change their fate, they must go out of the mountain village and migrate to a place with convenient transportation.


The villagers of Fengmen Village have all left, and the local inspection team also gave an explanation. First, it is difficult for children to go to school in the village, which is located in a mountainous area. In addition, the place is remote and the salary is low. Teachers are not willing to stay in the mountainous area for a long time to teach. The second is the problem of food and food. At first, there was a river in the village, but then the river often ran out of water, and people and livestock drinking water became a big problem. The third is the traffic problem. The traffic is very convenient in the deep mountains, and the country cannot invest too much money to build roads. This leads to the elderly and children being trapped in the mountains, so there is no way to move. In 1981, the state arranged villages similar to Fengmen Village, which collectively moved out of the mountains to live outside. In fact, both the original residents of Fengmen Village and the experts have refuted the rumor that the local is "ghost village", but because of the popularity of "China's first ghost village", many people still go to explore.


It can only be said that although Fengmen Village is not a forbidden area, it is located in a mountainous area, with remote roads and large temperature difference. If you insist on going, please take protective measures.

In addition, because Fengmen Village is so famous that many people will go to explore, but on the way of exploration, people will discard garbage at will, resulting in a lot of empty bottles that are thrown away at will by donkey friends on both sides of the road. If you really want to go to Fengmen Village for exploration, please do a good job of personal garbage recycling, and do not add to the mountain environment.

(If you like to make up a small story, keep an eye on it and don't get lost)

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