What is the price of Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise (Chongqing to Wuhan)? How many days does it take?
The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, with its magnificent scenery and unique cultural customs, has been a popular tourist destination for people to punch...
A sinkhole was found in Dashan, Chongqing. There were five families living at the bottom of the sinkhole. They lived an idyllic life outside the world
Chongqing is a place with extremely rich tourism resources. There are not only prosperous urban Internet hotspots, but also a large number of 5A scenic...
The best way to find accommodation is to drive to the scenic spot
Some friends will pester the guidebook when they travel by car. In fact, the guidebook does not play a very important role. Usually, you just...
The nine most beautiful counties in China. I have no regrets about half my life
I hope that the next trip is not an escape from real life, but a gift to enrich life. Traveling to the nine most beautiful...
The three cities that are most suitable for poor travel in China can be played arbitrarily without money! Have you ever been there?
"What if I want to play but have no money?" Who said you can't travel without money? You can travel in poverty! Today, let's take...
Be sure to collect the cities you don’t want to leave after 8 winters. This Spring Festival will bring your family through the warm winter
#The number one newcomer # will soon be the New Year's holiday and the Spring Festival. I will take my family to these eight warm...
The only white country in Africa is very friendly to Chinese tourists and rich in beautiful women without signing!
Africa is the only white country with a large number of beautiful women, and only China is unconditionally visa free. As we all know, there...
Mobile phone outside screen glass broken (normal touch), is to take to repair, or taobao outside screen glass to change??
Author: Sense and Happiness Link: https://www.zhihu.com/question/25987978/answer/2071116804 Source: The copyright of Zhihu belongs to the author. For commercial reproduction, please contact the author for authorization, and...
Mobile phone outside screen glass broken (normal touch), is to take to repair, or taobao outside screen glass to change?
作者:理智与开心 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/25987978/answer/2071116804 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 1 不要自己换!!!风险太大!!!2 可以买了外屏拿去手机维修店找靠谱的师傅换,这个选项也有一定风险。3 售后定点维修,这个应该最靠谱。不能保证答案专业,只是说一说我的经历,希望能给你一点点参考。去年夏天入手了一部中兴的Nubia play,由于手机比保护壳和钢化膜先到,我就先使用裸机了,结果骑自行车的时候,由于刹车太急,手机 直接飞出去了,嗯,屏幕左下角当即出现三条裂痕。懊悔,心痛,最后决定将就用 。直到今年夏天一件事让我觉得现在手机不仅仅是一个工具,甚至像一张名片了,屏幕那么差劲感觉我好像也不太立整儿的样子。于是决定换屏。去了附近的一家修手机的店,维修大哥让我自己买个外屏(几块钱那种的就行),然后他给我换,手工费100元。感觉大哥挺专业,这价位也挺划算,于是在某宝下单一个外屏,20块。几天后外屏到了,我去维修店找大哥。动手修之前,大哥跟我说,换外屏这项操作是有风险的,万一换的过程中伤到内屏,这块屏幕就报废了,这个后果我是需要自己承担的。我有点懵,愣了几秒。大哥又说,失败的可能性其实很低的,别担心。我说修吧。感觉修个手机愣是搞出了术前交代风险的感觉,隐约中还有点忐忑。好在最后大哥宣布:成功啦!于是我端着五花大绑的手机回到家,把它放在桌子上等胶干。然而,过了大约半个小时,我发现手机屏幕右上角有一个蓝色的直径大约0.5cm的圆点,没在意。过了一会儿圆点变大中间出现黑点,我有点方了,赶紧给大哥打电话,说了这个情况。他听完连连感慨:完了完了完了完了……失败了啊,这个黑点会越来越大,最后屏幕会全黑的,赶紧趁着手机还能用,买个屏幕总成,拿过来我给你免费修。我:阿这,行,买屏幕总成吧。上网一看,好家伙,屏幕总成,800左右,还缺货。后来手机也如大哥预言那般全屏皆黑了。...
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